Merton Bank Primary School

'Never less than our best'

Merton Bank Primary School, Roper Street, St Helens, Merseyside, WA9 1EJ


Welcome to Year Six

Caring          Respect          Empathy          Courage          Resilience

Our Year 6 Team

Teachers  Miss Heaton and Mrs Weatherby


 Year Six is a welcoming and nurturing classroom where lots of enriched learning takes place, developing independent children for their final year at Merton Bank and their transition into high school. We aim for all lessons to be interactive, enjoyable and with an aspect of challenge to build determination and resilience. Year Six pupils are given responsibilities and are expected to demonstrate leaderships skills and qualities by leading by example at Merton Bank. With support from teachers, family and friends, the children will be given ample opportunity to develop their own initiative to support themselves and their peers. Children are supported to grow a love of learning by identifying their interests and bring these into practise when taking on new challenges and developing new understanding. Mental health and well-being are a high priority in Year Six, ensuring the children are relaxed and prepared throughout the year. We aim to support the children however we can, encouraging the development of their own mental health and well-being by exploring what allows them to remain calm and collected. Ultimately, we aim for the children to be happy, healthy, and ready to tackle new and exciting opportunities.

Our school day

Doors open 8:45am, registration closes at 8.55am.  Your child must be in school by 8.55am.

The school day ends at 3:15pm

Your child will enter and leave school via the Roper Street Gate entrance.

Safeguarding is high priority at Merton Bank so please understand we may need to check if someone else is picking your child up.  Please always inform the office if someone new is collecting.  Thank you for your understanding with this.

Important things to remember for a successful year ahead:

You may wish to provide a healthy snack for your child to eat at 10:30am playtime. Lunch will be at 12:20pm.

Each child can have their own water bottle on their desk, please provide these with their name on.

PE This term we have PE every Wednesday and Friday – please ensure that your child attends school on these days in their PE kit.  On these days children must wear the following PE uniform: white polo shirt/ t-shirt, black shorts and trainers/pumps. We expect high standards of PE kits, please contact one of the team if you require any support.


Key Stage 2 Tests

The statutory key stage 2 tests (SATs) are timetabled from Monday 12th May to Thursday 15th May 2025.

Monday 12th May 2025  -  English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Papers 1 and 2

Tuesday 13th May 2025  -  English Reading

Wednesday 14th May 2025  -  Mathematics Papers 1 and 2 

Thursday 15th May 2025  -  Mathematics Paper 3

Autumn Term Learning:

 Year 6 - Autumn 2.pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Spring Term Learning:

Summer Term Learning: 

Take a look at some of the exciting learning in Year 6 during Spring Term 2025


 Our new value this term is creativity and we are exploring different ways other people have been creative and how we can be creative ourselves.
We engaged in some creativity by designing a coat of arms which best represents us. We had to think about what we like, who we are as a person and what matters to us and be creative in how we presented this.


To celebrate Chinese New Year, we were tasked with drawing the eye of a dragon as part of a whole school art project. We watched a tutorial first to magpie any skills we may want to use before creating our own. Here we have the drawings in action, keep your eyes peeled for the final pieces.


Take a look at some of the exciting learning in Year 6 during Autumn Term 2024


Talk 4 Writing - Should Mrs Mac let the boys back out again (The Canal)

 This term, we've been exploring our new writing scheme Talk 4 Writing (T4W). Our first story, a warning story, focuses on two young boys who breach an established rule set by their Mother, of not going playing by the canal. Unfortunately, the boys break the rule which has lead us to discuss if Mrs Mac should allow her boys back out again.
To get into the role of the characters, we hosted a debate between two opposing sides. Year 6 discussed their supporting ideas, recorded their statements before entering the debate. Each side had to state their opinion before allowing the opposing side to respond.


SATS Support

This term, we've started working through our SATS revision booklets. These booklets have lots of past papers so that we can get used to the different styles of questions and work through the booklet when we come to the end of a lesson activity. When we complete the booklet sessions, we work collaboratively together to coach each other through the calculations and support each other to address any strategies or questions we may have got wrong or need a little bit more help with.


 Living things and their habitats 

In Science this term, we are learning about the classification of living organisms. So far, we have explored the basics of classification through a sweet sorting activity (Y6 particularly enjoyed this lesson...yum), delving into the details of the six kingdoms of life and then classifying animals using Carl Linnaeus' system known as the 'Linnaean System'.



WW2 Silhouette Inspired Artwork 

In Autumn term, we explore the theme of WW2 through our class text 'Letters to the Lighthouse' and our History topic after half term, we also explore this theme in our lessons. Taking inspiration from Christiane Luise Duttenhofer and her silhouette pieces of art, combined with Paul Nash's war themed pieces, we will be creating our own piece of artwork (pictures to follow). However, we have started to explore both artists and started to create our artist page. Have a look at some of the pictures below and be inspired by Y6's creativity skills.  



Computers of the past

As part of Kapow unit 'Computing Systems and Networks: Bletchley Park and the History of Computers' Y6 conducted some research to find out information about Computing Heroes, Bletchley Park and the First Computer. Once we'd conducted the research, we discussed what issues we face with computers today, before designing our own computer of today which would address some of our concerns. For example, devices with longer battery life, charge-able wife and even a VR device which let you see, hear and smell wherever the virtual world of reality would take you.



Why does population change?

Our focus in Geography this term is to begin to understand and know why the population changes. We've discussed the meaning of the word population and also explored population density and how this can look across the world. In order to understand what impact the population, we have looked at different factors which can impact birth and death rates. To try and remember new key knowledge, we've been working collaboratively playing games, matching up ideas and sharing information in groups and partners to help us 'know more and remember more'.







Remembrance Day

This term, inspired by the famous passage 'When you go home, tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow we gave our today' we explored what we are appreciative of in life and some of our favourite memories, so that we could write a thank you poem to our fallen solders, thanking them for all of the todays that they have given us.

Forest School

Fairy Houses

In Forest School this term, one of our favourite sessions was creating a Fairy House for our KS1 children. We had to create an environment suitable for a fairy, using as many natural (some not natural) resources as possible, so that when KS1 came out to play, the would spot the Fairy Houses and share in the excitement and magic.