Merton Bank Primary School

'Never less than our best'

Merton Bank Primary School, Roper Street, St Helens, Merseyside, WA9 1EJ



Asthma Register – it is a requirement of our Asthma Policy that we have a full and up to date register of the children in our school with asthma. If your child suffers with asthma please could you collect a registration form from the school office and return it to a member of the office staff as soon as possible. We will also need to keep an inhaler in school. This will be kept in the child’s class in order to ensure immediate access if necessary. We must have a new form completed at the beginning of each academic year. Alternatively, if your child no longer needs an inhaler please inform Mrs Miller in writing so we can remove their name from the register.
If your child is diagnosed with asthma at a later date, please ensure you inform a member of our office staff as soon as possible and ensure you complete a registration form.


Medicines in School –
• Staff are NOT permitted to administer ANY medication that has not been prescribed by a Doctor or Dentist.
• If you require staff to administer prescribed medication, it must be taken by a parent / representative to the school office and the relevant form completed
• All medication must be collected from the office at the end of the school day by the parent / representative
• Please do not send medication to school in children’s bags


Thank you for your cooperation.